How to create amulets that bring good luck and what you need to do it

It conjures up a lot of luck

Unique things around us. There are many ways to summon luck for a short time - a day, a special occasion or an event.

But it’s much more effective to lock your luck in an amulet that will serve for many years. You will succeed in all your endeavors. There is a large and small amulet of fortune - it all depends on the goals and methods of obtaining energy. Different amulets - different working methods. Knowing the rules for creating such an amulet can start a whole new life.

It will not be difficult to attract the energy that is responsible for victories and successes, money, if all the requirements are met exactly and the necessary ritual is performed. You have a great opportunity to change your destiny.Let me tell you that you are a very lucky person, but to reveal your secret - an amulet for good luck, there can be no one.Your secret brings a lot of joy. Take everything you need and start creating the power element. He has the power to make sure that luck leads you through destiny - it is much easier and more pleasant to live like this.

What are the amulets that bring good luck

There are many things in the world that can bring good luck to a search engine. Here you can highlight:

The four-leaf clover is a talisman of fortune
  • Lucky items (any) that bring you luck.
  • Horseshoe.
  • Clover.
  • Lizard or snake skull on a string.
  • Symbol of the Sun.
  • Magic Shield.
  • Solomon's seal.
  • A symbol of feng shui life.
  • The Calendar of Eternity.

All are available to you - they can be purchased at almost any esoteric store. Many practitioners believe that an external form alone is not enough, only objects that have created and filled with energy bring good luck.

Talismans are made of any material, regardless of which vessel it is made of. The hand that carves an object out of wood, carves out of clay, paints paint - this can give you the strength you need. Luck doesn’t just come that way - you have to call it. Many of these items bring money because money is one of the most desirable outcomes. What exactly do you want and why do you need such an amulet? Decide because you have to express your purpose for the cosmos during the ritual.

The symbol of the day is a small amulet for good luck

Little Lucky Amulet

Small amulets are portable. It can be a keychain, charms, pendants, some items that are always in your wallet or pocket.

It's best not to show them to anyone, keep them a secret. If you know the winning number combination in the lottery, won’t you shout right and left for it? So it is with these objects. The energy in them is already a mystery.You should always take it with you.They draw money into your wallet, put a successful path under your feet, and put the right thoughts in your mind. The ritual of filling the amulet should be performed in the summer.

  • At sunset, go out into the clover field.
  • Place the amulet on the floor and sit next to it, facing east.
  • Light the church candle, hold it with both hands over the amulet.
  • Say, “The sun is red, the sun is clear! Come out from behind the woods, illuminate the path for me (the reader’s name), and attract good luck to accompany you, in the sunlight, nowhere and never leave. Let me have the power to do that. Created. Closed. Hidden. Forgotten. "
  • Voice the version of luck - what you want. Career, academic success, lack of problems in one area or another, money, victory where it is very difficult to win.

Next - bury it for 2 days and two nights in the same area because clover can bring success and luck in every business. Mark the place of burial of the object, come there after the expiration date. The little amulet of fortune is ready - it has absorbed everything it needed. Don’t lose it because losing your relationship with Fortune is very serious, there may be no second chance.

Large home amulet

A large amulet is usually made for home or office use. This is not an item, but a set of them, placed in a container:

  • The box.
  • Bank.
  • Envelope.
  • Bag.

You need to close the room, leaving only the window open. Luck, success and money come through it. It should be placed in such a pot: silver money, dry marigold flowers, the symbol of the Sun (of any culture).


“Oh, great martyr, woodpecker, Skinny woman! Passing through fire and water, it enters our weak uterus and causes misfortune and hardship. How we took it, put it on a table on a bench, treated us with honey and wine, and began to glorify, “Oh, glorious Goremik the great martyr! You walk in gold, it leads us through the swamp. Clever bad, rich poor, honest mediocre. "

The left hand lays down the coins and the right hand puts everything else. Close the lid, if glass or box, if bag, sew together with red threads. All of these are lucky talismans, and the combination of these gives very good results. Keep such a pot of luck away from others.

Practice Exercises

If you’ve already created a small lucky amulet, you can reflect on it because it’s an item you always carry with you. Place three red candles on the table. The left hand should ignite them. Sit comfortably on the floor in a lotus position and relax. Have the amulet around your neck or lap. Such talismans are magnets for the light energy of fortune.

Try to feel or see - visualizing success will be the best companion and helper during any ceremony. Good luck meditating:

Repeat this phrase slowly:

Ring with King Solomon's seal

“Let the wisdom and strength of the forest grass be with me.
Mother Earth increased it,
defined it as the sacrament of wealth,
profit, for the sake of my dream. "

Do not be disturbed by extraneous voice, telephone, call, voice. You should meditate for at least 20 minutes, if you want, you can do even more. When your hand feels the heat emanating from the amulet - the effect is available, you connect to the energy channel of success. It’s a good opportunity to imagine a golden light wave coming to you entering the amulet.

The first step in meditation is to work with your eyes closed. When you learn this type, go for the second one - open your eyes. This makes it harder to see or imagine what lies behind it, but it is a high degree of visualization that helps to fill the subject with very strong energy.

It is not that difficult to create such an element because a practicing mage gives all his recommendations.Focus on results - luck, success in all your endeavors, good days, money and careers.Here's what you need to get the effect right. Oddly, anticipating the effect is already a big part of the ritual. Your trust pays off.

Don't stop here. Once you’ve created a good little or big luck amulet, you have the opportunity to work on all types of these articles. Create them for yourself and your family. Such a gift brings joy, success and prosperity. You have all the strength you need to get the job done - everything good is already in you. Every path is open to you - use the advice of practitioners, study the creation of amulets. Very soon you yourself will learn to work with energies, you will understand what is really important.